When something biodegrades it means that tiny tiny microscopic bugs are eating the thing that is degrading and soon it becomes mud or dust.
A stick takes over a year, paper takes 4 weeks, a leaf - 6 months, and a banana peel takes six weeks. So, that’s not that long right? What about plastic though? Well, most plastic takes 400-500 years to biodegrade.
Have you ever seen a piece of plastic on the ground, for instance a plastic coke bottle Your first thought might
be - ooh coke! Don’t think that. Think about how long that tiny piece of plastic is going to take to biodegrade and how long it takes for that piece of plastic will take to fly into the ocean. This could take up to 450 years to biodegrade! Even when this has biodegraded there are still millions and billions of tiny little bits of plastic called microplastics. Grossest part, the average human eats 5 grams of plastic every week!
That’s not good.
Mother Nature thanks you!
Written by Lily